___________A L E X A N D E R__ R E Z N I K __________________________________________________________

Teaching: List of courses

− Modern Physics
− Electricity and Magnetism
− Mechanics

− Waves and Optics

Research and Expertise subjects

− Quantum theory of the electron properties of solids
− Density Functional Theory for many-electron problems
− Mechanics in the theory of General Relativity

− Methods of Physics teaching


− Ph.D. in Physics, Saint-Petersburg University,
= area of specialization - Solid State Physics
− MSc in Physics (including physics teaching), Kazakh State
_-University, area of specialization - General Relativity
− Further studies: Course of Science teaching,
_ Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot.

Professional experience

--Over 30 years of professional experience in Physics:
− Research. _The main field of research is
the quantum theory
_ and calculations of the electron properties of matters.
− Lectures, instruction, teaching. Mostly, for engineering students and
_,technology students._Since 1996 at the Afeka Academic College.

Membership in Professional Associations

− European Physical Society ( EPS )
− Israel Physical Society ( IPS )


− The total number of publications is 33 ,
_-articles, conference papers, research reports